This folder contains the source code files specific to my Macintosh port of Tom Almy's xlisp 2.1g. Here's how to compile the Macintosh application with these files:
- Obtain the complete source code distribution to Tom Almy's XLisp 2.1g via anonymous ftp. I don't know where 2.1g will be kept, but versions 2.1f and earlier have been available from (Check some simtel mirrors for it, and also search for it with archie.) The source code is currently only available in PKZIP form, so you'll need to download the ZIP files and unarchive them with a Macintosh unzipper program (such as UnZip, probably available from the same site you got XLispMac from). The only file you'll really need is XL21GSRC.ZIP.
- Copy these Macintosh source code files into the xlisp source directory you made. Two files (osdefs.h and osptrs.h) will be overwritten. Add the code from the file "Add to xlisp.h" to the appropriate part of "xlisp.h".
- Use the given project file with THINK C 7.0, or create your own project with THINK C 5.0 or 6.0 or MPW C. This application should compile without any problems under any of these environments.
If you only want to run xlisp, then you don't need these source code files. This archive also contains the ready-to-use xlisp application as well as many sample lisp files for it.
This code is subject to any restrictions that have been placed on the original xlisp distribution, and may be freely distributed. You may only make publically available any program that uses a derivative of my Macintosh-specific source code if you provide me with an unrestricted copy of your source code changes at the same time. I am not responsible for any damages that may result from the use of this program, and I am not obligated to fix any bugs or add any features to it.
If you have any comments or suggestions about this Macintosh port of xlisp, feel free to email me at